Firstly I should say that I don’t think I know better than you. I just like to travel and write about it, after all the latter is something I’ve invested a considerable time to learn at the University of London.
I’m fond of bizarre local legends and stories in general as well as the real (no filter) people and real stuff. The term ‘real’ is, of course, relative. All things are real but some things are more real than others 😉 But here I’m talking about something that doesn’t compromise on its essence in order to gain popularity or something like that.
I like
I also like Dubnobasswithmyheadman kinda atmosphere; epic landscapes; the smell of wood and grass being cut (not necessarily at the same time); colours of spring and autumn; sunsets and rises; empty beaches; old-narrow-curvy-hilly alley towns; smell and taste of coffee and cafés made and operated with love. To be honest, this list can go on and on…
…so last but not least, I like literature and world peace – both of these offer a lot of space for the imagination…

Chose Life
Overall, I’m however just yet another person who decided to quit their solid-ish job not to live in the box based on society’s values, parents’ hopes, and so on and I went off travelling around South and Central Americas.*
FYI, this move of mine wasn’t as radical, as it might come across to some people. After all, it’s your life and you can do whatever you want to do with it if you have no real commitments. To choose what’s real and what’s not it’s entirely up to you, although it’s not always that easy. Chose life.
Anyway. Every day’s fun gives your soul vitamins and travelling provides it with minerals, it does, at least for me. While the lack of vitamins shows fast, low intake of minerals takes longer to take effect 😉 For me, it’s travelling and for others, it might be another activity that does the mineral-supply job. Some might even not seek those vitamins and minerals, after all, we’re all different, aren’t we? Chose life.
Sort of epilogue
I also really want to get stuck in a beach bar, the one with those palm leaves kinda roof above, during the tropical storm 😉 Once I was close though – a few years ago on the Secret Beach in Hoi An. That storm however only passed close by. So I have begun to contemplate the idea that if the storm doesn’t come to me – shall I come to the storm?))
*2022 update
Well, it turned out that the storm has arrived in a form of the bloody pandemic, and withing this wobbly metaphore, living in Canary Islands at the time, I was even in the first row to witness it, as Spain was one of the most affected countries at the time.
As we all know, this bloody pandemic has managed to alter a few things rather drastically for many of us. While things are going slowly back to normal, it will take some time, until some of us manage to ease off the results of the economic impact it has on individuals and societies.
In my case, it meant leaving the amazing Canary Islands and signing a contract to run a Creative & Cultural Centre Hviezda (above) in Trenčín, my hometown in Slovakia, where I’ve returned after more than 20 years because I needed a project. And things are happening in here at the moment, as Trenčín will become one of the two European Cultural Capitals in 2026.
My near future travels will be therefore perhaps a bit more modest because I’m currently rather busy with setting up an amazing Celtural & Creative Centre, which I feel very privileged to be part of.
Making such commintment however means that I won’t be able to concentrate on Quaint Planet as much as I would like to. I have therefore decided to look for someone, who would like to help me with that or perhaps bring new impulses and drive. In case you were interested, please read more details here.
Love, peace and understanding 🙂
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