A rather extensive guide with a few practical tips regarding Air Travel. How to get a cheaper flight, how to pick the best seat, where to nap in which airport and more…
How to get around in Latin America
How to get from A to B, where to get a ticket, safety on buses, prices of public transport and so on.
Border fees in Latin America
The money you have to pay in order to enter or exit some countries as well as some of their regions in Latin America.
Traveller’s budget in Latin America
A country-by-country budget for most Latin American countries. Real basic expenses, few tips and more.
Rail travel in Europe
Brief history, current rail systems, tickets, prices, comfort, best night trains as well as best scenic routes.
30 000 miles in 200 days AKA from The End of the World to Mexico in numbers
My nearly 8 months trip in numbers. Budget, miles, days, countries visited, cost per day and so on...
Ferry travel in southern Chile
This piece is about 4 options to travel by ferry in southern Chilean Patagonia. South to north or wise-versa. What, when, why, where and how.
Delayed plane
What is it like to experience a delayed flight and what are your rights as a passenger?