Some people aren’t keen on conducting the research and preparing their own custom itineraries, others just simply don’t have enough time to do so. They just want a break but at the same time, they still like to travel independently, rather than using their time off just to become one of the “sheeps”, organised tourism sometimes turns people into. Those are some of the reasons why I’m providing a Custom Itinerary Service to specific people who uphold values and standards that are similar to mine.
What do I offer?
For example, you tell me that you have 2 weeks and you’d like to experience Patagonia, but you’d also like to spend few days on the beach as well as in the city. Generally speaking, if it’s a location I have researched and visited in the past, I can potentially share some of my knowledge with you in order to help you to pick the right destinations that would cover the demands/aims of your upcoming trip.
In practice, we are talking about a service that could turn out to be anywhere between a single consultation and a full service of designing a custom itinerary for your trip.
When to consider hiring me?
If you are an independent traveller who’s fond of adventure and style of travelling as well as standards at a similar level as described on this site. I mean that a mutual alignment of certain values, as well as standards, are essential to make such cooperation a successful and memorable experience.
Where would you like to travel?
As for locations, we’re mainly talking about Europe, Latin America and South-East Asia.

Why me?
I describe the way I travel in a 100% honest way. If you are on the same page, when it comes to your preferences regarding comfort, ethics and other various standards, I could be at your service.
I mean, that this is the only way this could work really… Budget-wise, we’re talking about something that’s a wee bit above what people call “budget travel” (see about this site).
If you’re looking for 5-star hotels or some sort of red light district guide, I won’t be able to help you but I’m sure that there are tons of other companies providing such services…
How would you benefit from Quaint Planet’s Custom Itinerary Service?
It depends on the scope of the trip as well as the services provided. Generally speaking, as opposed to for example this general itinerary for Patagonia, your full custom itinerary would include:
- various locations based on your aims and preferences, including plans B and C (if possible, depending on the options in the area picked by you)
- at least 3 different level options for accommodation in every location picked (if possible)
- various transport options between the multiple locations or points of interest (if possible)
- all practical information, such as rough budget, visa requirements, border fees, medical advice and so on
- an attempt to find a cheaper flight would be a bonus if the full service is requested. This is however not guaranteed as it might not always be possible

How does it work and how much would it cost you?
In practice, this service works either as a Skype or What’s Up consultation or it preferably takes the form of a personal meeting. The fee starts @ €20,- per 60 mins of consultation (excl my preparation) but generally, it depends on the scope of work, the length of the trip and the service provided.
In case you were interested in my custom itinerary service, please send me a brief description of what you are looking for to:
I must say that so far everyone was very satisfied with the custom itineraries I have prepared 🙂
In the event of conducting a service worth €200 or more, you will receive a token with a 20% discount for the next event you, your relatives or friends will conduct with me.
Want a Remote Travel Agent?
Under certain circumstances, I could accept a role to service a larger group as their Remote Travel Agent. In reality, it would mean that I’d be travelling with you and doing all the boring work for the group. I’m talking about any organisational communication as well as booking the hotels and various tours, organising the transport and so on.

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