Lockdown 101
“You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world. It varies from individual to individual. It may be burial alive or death by fire, or by drowning, or by impalement, or fifty other deaths. There are cases where it is some quite trivial thing, not even fatal.”
G.Orwell, 1984
People somehow thought that a global pandemic would strike in one day in some sort of one fast event. Their idea was that the rockets or a meteorite will rain on Earth and everything will change fast and then the post-apocalyptic world would begin. Nobody expected a slow and gradual change…
Ray woke up with the alarming sound of barking dogs. This wasn’t just the normal barking, the dogs were madly growling. By the time the yelping began, Ray was already on his feet, quickly evaluating who were the unexpected visitors and if they are after him or one of his neighbours. His next move was crucial because if he underestimated any detail, he could end up captured and that would seriously alter his plans for the future.
Not that Ray had any plans but if he did have any, they certainly wouldn’t involve getting himself locked up. When he moved here a few weeks ago, he thought that it would earn him few hustle-free months at least, after all, this was the furthest away from the Central Area he ever lived. Ray wasn’t exactly sure if the stories about being captured by any of the self-imposed authorities were true but the number of people that went missing lately wasn’t something to be ignored. He figured it wasn’t worth the risk to find out which one of the stories got it right.
Ray decided to take the stairs up towards the roof to take the escape path he designated for such occasions only a few days ago, hoping that he won’t have to use it anytime soon. They’ve never used to come this far out of the Central Area before, he thought. Or is it because of this new fishy case he took? He smelled trouble as soon as met the mysterious Lyria last week. Was he getting negligent? Did he get flagged?
Just before he took off, Ray made sure his surveillance system was operational and that his place looked like if he wasn’t home yet, rather indicating that he left in a hurry. It might buy him some time, he hoped and in a better case scenario, he’ll find out who’s after him, if he was the target…

Lyria wasn’t exactly the front-page magazine kind of beautiful, with her, it wasn’t just about the looks, there was something truly attractive about her as a person. She had a natural style. Her charm and overall presence were rather unavoidable, but only if one looked closer because the way she was dressed, her haircut, or in fact anything about her wasn’t asking for any attention. Short hair, no makeup, and her outfit indicated nothing to show her wealth, exact age, or anything other than that she was a woman. Nearly invisible but yet elegant style. Clever outfit if someone doesn’t want to be spotted in the crowd, Ray thought.
The fact that she wasn’t easy to read, that he had to fully switch on got him rather curious. Ray also noticed that Lyria was very observational of her surroundings. She’s been doing it ever since she’s arrived but not in an obvious way. You had to look closely to see that she was scanning everyone inside the café. He liked that. She apparently heard of him from “a mate” he hasn’t seen for ages and she wanted him to find some people she’s last seen a few years ago, but the story began way before…
I believe that it’s good to start from the beginning, right? I’m gonna have to start in 2018 then. It was when I’ve decided to travel the world. I was obviously a bit younger back then. Gap year kind of young. I’ve arrived in Buenos Aires after spending 6 months in South East Asia. I was a classic backpacker type, you know with Birkenstocks and all that. She looked at Ray to see some sort of acknowledgement of her introduction. There wasn’t much to acknowledge though and she didn’t look like she expected him to say something like “I’m all ears” so he just casually nodded.
I’ve met few people in the hostel and we hang out, as you do. It was when I’ve met the two Adams. One was Canadian and the other one was from New Zealand. Anyway, Adams and I have just clicked, in a social sense. Most people you meet on the road talking about the same things. How long have you been travelling for, what country is your favourite, or what places “have you done” and all that? It’s natural and exciting the first few months but then it becomes boring after a while.
Adams weren’t like that and nor was I. All three of us were looking for a new kick, some kind of mission back then. We’ve all wanted to do a bit more than just moving from A to B and exploring nice places in between and talk about it all the time because that’s what we’ve all been doing for a while. So we came up with an idea. She paused. I’ll only tell you what it was if it will ever become important during your investigation, not to redirect the whole story into what I believe is the wrong direction. He nodded again.
Lyria carried on. I believe that more important is that we needed the money for that project so we came up with a plan to make some cash. We basically decided to set up few websites, blogs and various portals to start publishing silly things about whatever wasn’t exactly the news. Like ’10 best things about travel’ or ’10 most regrettable things’ sort of stuff, you know what I mean. And it went rather well.
Ray liked to maintain his usual advantage of being in control by paying attention to details. He was good at observing the body language, gestures and facial expressions of people around him, without being noticed doing so. But today, he’s met a match. It’s funny, he thought, it’s been a while since he’s played this poker-face game with equally good opposition. But then, living in outer areas was getting harder and most of those who were still around weren’t exactly his social circle-paradise kind of people.
He thought that he might have lost his form due to the lack of competition of sorts but then, things were easier that way. And he liked things being simple, even if it often meant taking rather boring jobs, which was the tax he was willing to pay for his lifestyle. When he met Lyria, his own thought to “watch out and step up” made him almost smile. It was exciting to check out the full potential of his abilities against the equal opposition. But there was the fishiness of the whole thing.
A person like Lyria contact him when his late investigative cases were of what he liked to call ‘of cheaper nature’. Playing it all under the radar to avoid any extra trouble, Ray hasn’t really advertised his services. Most of his contacts and customers were off his rather minimal social life spent in local cafés, restaurants and bistros. Fishiness. Keep calm, stay sharp, this is just business as usual, he thought. Take notes, ask questions, read between the lines, the usual drill.
The Great Pandemic
We were doing much better than we anticipated but the crazy part was still to come. We had no idea that we’ll start making much more money soon because of the Great Pandemic. By 2020 before it all started, we’ve had a fully efficient setup, producing around 20-30 of these pieces weekly, between the three of us. Written shit, videos or memes, whatever. Everything worked. But soon, with the virus hitting the world, things went quiet for us at first.
All Internet was just about that bloody, I think it was just COVID-19 or COVID-20 back then. Before the shit kicked in, we were already making enough money to live quite well. For a long time, we haven’t even talked to each other about our original idea, we wanted to make the money for it in the first place. We were just too busy and none of us wanted to use our spare time to talk about work. So things just went on.
But as I said, during the first few months into the Pandemic we’ve became less occupied. One day we even got together and begun to talk about selling our domains and move on. Everyone needed a break. There was a bit of cabin fever going on as well, as you might imagine when 3 people work closely together for nearly 2 years. But then people had enough of the virus in the news and the 10 best things stuff became gold. There were no sports events, no live concerts, no new movies and everybody began clicking on our useless posts.
We could suddenly write about anything, like what could have happened if something else happened before, such as what signings could some football coach have made if the club’s board approved one particular transfer before that and so on. Well, that’s what the guys were up to. I went for the ladies’ stuff, like what the world would be without women, videos of animals being saved by brave people, a cute 3-year-olds dancing or signing and that kind of stuff. I was nearly as successful as both Adams together. Anyway, things went on and we’ve made more money. I’m talking a lot of money and this time it wasn’t just a lot for a bunch of 20-somethings, it would have been a lot for anyone.
I’ve set up the soon to be fastest-growing Facebook group ‘Send a picture of what do you see from your bedroom window’ that attracted heavy investments of few ministries of tourism and Adams started to play with publishing a few utterly nonsense conspiracy theories just to see how it will go. At the same time, they’ve begun publishing some serious rational fact checks articles to deny those theories to see how the two compete. Bizzare thing was that by fighting each other, the whole enterprise became even more popular. Events that followed, don’t make me proud in any way but I’m not here to cleanse my soul and you’re not a priest, are you? Saying that she looked at him with a spark in her eyes.
Conspiracy theories and scapegoats
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:16-17
Anyway. By the end of 2020, we were loaded and in demand. Everything was a little over the edge though because the few conspiracy theories we’ve published caught up with us. A rather disproportional part of all Internet debates became about them. Maybe it was because people were forced to stay indoors and everyone just browsed their social networks over and over again. All the conspiracy shit was marginal before the Great Pandemic that and if you weren’t into that, it just passed you by.
But halfway through the 20s, this stuff appeared in everyone’s feed, catching up with the newly super-popular baking recipes. But conspiracies begun to come from all directions, celebrities, politicians, you name it. We’ve quickly learned that it’s not only about what information you’re pushing through. It’s about who takes such crazy ideas up, really. It got life by itself and we suddenly lost control over it. That crazy circus became just too much for the three of us to handle, not to mention the fact that things in the real world evolved the way no one would have ever expected, but you already know that.
Trust me, when Adams started with all that secret nano-chip as the biblical “beast mark” and the 5G nonsense, it was meant to be a fun experiment. A bit arrogant? Yes, although I must say that rather than showing any disdain towards the general human intelligence, we’ve just badly overestimated our readers. The original article was actually rather funny, in a whacky sense and until today, I have no idea how could someone take it seriously. We honestly didn’t expect people to be that non-critical of the information they receive, at least from our audience point of view.
But then even Woody Harrelson, John Cusack or MIA shared it together with few other “influencers” and numerous right-wing groups. We were involved and we felt partially responsible. You must remember that we were still in our mid-20s, the ‘full of ideals’ kind of age. We quit the theories and begun publishing articles against those theories only but it didn’t matter anymore. The damage was done. But at that time, things were still not all entirely crazy.
Except for some people believing some nonsense about the 5G network’s secret plot to spread the virus and few burned telecommunication towers, the world was still rather normal. Things got heated properly only when some national governments demanded the Immunity Passport Certificates for those who needed to cross borders to contain the further spreading of the virus. As you know, because of the high volume of fake certificates, the governments decided to use the ID implants instead, to function as digital immunity/vaccination certificates.
That move made sense because, at the time, it was the most secure way to prove that an individual has been cured or vaccinated. But guess what happened then. Another Adamses conspiracy theories resurfaced, this time it was the Biblical beast-mark. Some people with wilder imaginations regarded the Immunity Passport Certificates as the actual fulfilment of the biblical Revelation 13:16-17 Adams quoted in their silly article. Would you believe that? How far could a consequence of one’s action go?
The World after 2020
“The only protection against the virus comes from possessing the secret truths that they don’t want you to know off.”
The New Believers Manifesto
After that, by the end of 2023, everything went spiralling out of control. We got seriously worried when we heard of the first assassination attempt on Bill Gates, whom we previously conveniently blamed for the whole thing because he did talk about the pandemic and nanochips long before the pandemic. From our perspective, things now took a real sharp turn and the series of events that followed got us seriously terrified.
It’s like Adamses made-up conspiracy theories materialised into the real world, except that it wasn’t the actual conspiracies, it was only the fear of their fulfilment combined with people’s stupidity, fanaticism and greed. Like some sort of SciFi world without all that classy tech stuff. We knew that this shit was getting serious but it was too late to call it a day because we just couldn’t leave it the way it was. Of course, I know we weren’t the only ones in the game. There were numerous conspiracy professionals. Various “Dr.” Shivas, the Estulins guy was on it as well and with more urgency than us.
We were just unlucky that we’ve published the two most popular hoaxes at the time. From this point onward, it wasn’t about the money for us anymore. We’ve even contacted Bill Gates but all he did was publish our email where we offered him cooperation, which resulted in us getting anonymous death threats so we had to deny the fact that we wrote an email to him. We had to call him a liar to keep ourselves safe. Screw him, we wanted to help, plus he had far better resources to stay safe than us.
As I said before, accompanying the cured or vaccinated with an Immunity Passport Certificate allowed its holders to travel. The goal was to restart the international trade that has been halted for nearly 3 years, which was a very expensive thing to keep going. The trouble was that in 2022-23, not many people trusted the classic governments anymore. One thing was the widespread conspiracy theories but the main reason was that the same governments had imposed the state of emergency and lockdowns on the general public for over two years.
People were screwed economically as well as mentally, crime rates skyrocketed and many relationships broke down what made the governments be first in the line to receive some collective hate. At around Easter 2024, the newly formed cult called New Believers arrived on the scene. They have announced that they are willing to take the nanochips and condemn their souls to eternal hell, in order to provide Humanity with a new start by obtaining what they’ve believed was the beast mark.
They have claimed to have sacrificed their souls, as some sort of second coming. I believe that I don’t have to mention that, the New Believers completely refused to accept the fact that all they were getting was an Immunity Passport, which was by the way still without the GPS back then, and an experimental vaccine for Covid. Consequently, following the massive media coverage, the New Believers practically became the first group to be allowed to travel after nearly 30 months of global lockdown.
In order to kickstart the international trade as well as the general trust into the public institutions, both, Pharma and national governments began sponsoring the New Believers to receive the otherwise expensive vaccinations. No one has paid any attention to their religious beliefs, everyone was too busy with the Pandemic and their economies. Covid is finally retreating, the headlines said. The news created was a general sense of optimism for many people. But such mood remained to hold only for a while…
Lifting the travel restrictions and the rise of Enforcers
Ironically, with their large numbers, the New Believers were the strongest and best-organised entity to restart the international trade. Their sudden publicity and the sponsorship made them overtake most of the classic traders who couldn’t afford to get the ID chip with the vaccination in such large numbers. No one cared that their true mission was spreading their beast mark and nano-chip mind control nonsense. At the time, the conglomerates couldn’t give a shit about these signs of a cult anyway, all they cared about was the money, so they have massively invested into the New Believers.
The first major trouble however turned up only a few years later with the rise of Believers’ radical pastor John, whom Adams and I knew. John worked with us for a while in 2021. I always took him for a sleazy ambitious little prick. We’ve parted our ways because John was too eager to capitalise on the conspiracy theories, he even wanted to get the funding of Chinese and Russian propaganda machines. I’ve completely forgotten about him until I saw him on the news in 2025. To our surprise, John has risen to the occasion. The Great Pandemic was good to him, his opportunistic nature could blossom in such an environment.
John had basically manipulated a large fraction of the New Believers into believing that they were actually mind-controlled. In a way they were “controlled” but it wasn’t the chip, it was John who was pulling the strings. It wasn’t long until they have formed the radical wing Enforcers that took over the New Believers’ structures. Their alleged goal was to enlarge their ranks by offering “greater sacrifice to save the Humanity at any cost“.
Enforces were already powerful when they began kidnapping people to mark them with “the beast mark”. Many had no choice but to collaborate with them, others welcomed such opportunities. He basically turned the already radical but still relatively harmless cult into a dangerous organisation with a strong intelligence service. A large web of informants and collaborators financed by profits from controlling 45% of all international trade at the time. It was only then when the world leaders and conglomerates begun to react.
Was it too late? Maybe it wouldn’t be if they have remained unified and rationale for a wee bit longer at least. Many believed that it wouldn’t have been too late if the German Chancellor haven’t passed then. Poor Angela has picked the worst possible moment to relieve Europe of the last remaining stability she symbolised. Maybe if things stayed the way they were before the Pandemic at least for a wee bit longer, at least until 2026, the governments would wipe out John’s syndicate.
But all that “what if” doesn’t matter anymore. It never did. There’s no “what if Adams hadn’t published the original beast mark article”. Similar or just other shit would turn out from somewhere else. The only “what if” that matter is an individual responsibility and that could work in small communities. There’s no place for it on a global stage.
I’m sorry, I got carried away. It might be the G&T working. It’s not bad, is it? I’ve never tried it with a cucumber. Those things, as you might expect by now are quite important for me, given the fact that Adamses and I have blamed ourselves for stirring the shit in a first place. But I didn’t come here to talk about that. Nor have I come to give you a basic history lesson. I just believe that those facts are important for the case, so please stay with me. I am not trying to underestimate your knowledge of recent history.
It was the first time she took a breath and looked around. Ray was certain that she’s scanned the whole place a few times already but this time it was the obvious social-curiosity kind of observation. I was told that you’re hard to find and I must say that it wasn’t easy. Do you know why have I picked you?
I’m sure we’ll get to that at some point, Ray said.
You’re right, we will. OK, so I’ll just get on with the story. As I’ve said, at this point we were too busy trying to counterbalance the damage caused. By that time, everyone picked and weaponised some conspiracy theory. Except for John’s Enforcers, there were the Alt Rights, The Isolationists and even some regular political parties and dictators who picked up the pace because we’ve provided them with possible scapegoat escape routes. But in spite of going against the nonsense lately, our enterprise was still rather strong because we’ve had the network and the know-how.
But we were tired and wanted to get out of the game. We wanted to get rid of our domains and portals. But imagine the potential buyers. I mean that it wasn’t only about cashing in anymore. We couldn’t sell it to just anyone but the offers were coming and the people we suddenly found ourselves to be dealing with were both, crazy and dangerous. All of the possible buyers, we’d consider ethically OK had their reputation damaged by the information published on the very portals they were about to buy. And we would never sell it to John, Alt Rights or anyone equally dangerous. We were trapped.
The World after 2026
But then, you know, Italy has collapsed and that communist-turned fascist Salvini finally succeeded with his renewed Lega Nord movement. In France, The National Front’s won the election, Scotland unilaterally declared independence, Catalonia also didn’t hesitate much to the dislike of the Francoist bigoted Vox party that ruled the central government in Madrid and all that crazy geopolitical stuff followed.
But the last nail in to coffin was when Pharma begun to vaccinate and chip their own traders with no post-apocalyptic religious beliefs attached as well as without bothering to obtain any license from an elected or otherwise qualified body. They’ve just made their own certificate and licensed themselves just like that and there wasn’t a single serious authority to object to such act effectively.
Their argument that if Enforcers could hold the license, anyone could kind of made sense but this certainly wasn’t the way how to calm things down. The New International Traders Guild was born, like some sort of modern-day East India Tea Company, just this time it didn’t answer to any government or royal establishment. First, it appeared that The Enforcers would be a match for them but it didn’t take long until John had to go completely underground. She paused, looked at him and added: …but I don’t think Pharma has anything to do with the case.
Ray nearly looked up from his notes but then he controlled himself not to react at all, so she just went on after a short pause. And the governments? There were just too many powerful players to deal with at the same time for them. The Enforcers evolved into a powerful crime organisation, while the remaining Believers turned against the vaccination altogether. By then there were too many companies, organisations and entities fighting for the influence. No one wanted to stay behind, everyone wanted their influence to grow and in order to keep up, unprecedented steps were required. Then the testing laws were relaxed in California after it followed Michigan in the act of separation and here we are: 2035.
As you can imagine, at some point, it was all too much for Adams and me to deal with it all. Although we’ve remained rather marginal in the middle of all this nonsense, as I said, we’ve kept blaming ourselves for being irresponsible in the first place, for months we believed that we’ve sparked the whole shit. But then Mr Robinson arrived on the scene.
Mr Robinson started working for us as an IT security expert in 2024. His influence gradually grew in the company. He was efficient, organised and about 10 years older than the rest of us. First, he set up the tight security and then he further contributed with some strategical ideas we’ve implemented as our way forward. It was his idea that rather than going against the new dogmas we’ve helped to exist, we’ve gone for the fade-out escape route. We’ve started producing sort of milder and more positive conspiracy theories if you will…
The plan was to gradually turn the public against the new dogmas by implying more acceptable nonsense with less damaging potential. After all, it was the weapon we knew how to use. You might ask if it hasn’t backfired. We were very cautious about that and most people wanted to go back to “normal”, or whatever it was before the Great Pandemic because it was safer. Far from perfect but safer and secure. I believe that the fade-out strategy made things a bit better. No new cults were born out of our new conspiracy theories. We’ve made sure not to go against any company that was at least mildly sane with their policies.
Anyway, as you can imagine, by this time, this whole thing was already too much for us and we have decided to get on with our lives as much as we could. After all, a fade-out is fade out. The idea was to keep 50% of the workflow. It just wasn’t a sustainable way of life to keep going full time. There actually wasn’t any other life outside the job and some partying. So we’ve left Robinson in charge and went our own way. In 2031, I went back to Sweden, and Adams headed back to Canada, respectively to New Zealand.
I haven’t seen them since we have spoken on regular basis since then to synchronize our campaigns. With partial success, our strategy worked. The elected bodies began to gain their influence back but we have faced strong opposition coming from all directions. The crime syndicates weren’t exactly keen on normalisation, whatever that meant. Things got rather tough to keep our identities hidden and we knew that one day our anonymity will be blown to pieces.
It hasn’t happened yet, at least I don’t know about such a thing. What happened is that since a few weeks ago, Adams are out of reach. Furthermore, as of last week, I’ve lost access to some of the domains and let me tell you, there were as secure as a domain could get. We’ve invested a lot into our own advanced security systems. The only way to alter the access codes was if all three of us did it simultaneously. I guess that I don’t have to tell you that I didn’t take part in such a session.
To sum it up, currently, we’re at: I can’t contact Adams, nor I could get in touch with Robinson. I believe that I might be in danger if I don’t take precautions, especially if I don’t know who am I dealing with. So yes, this case is fishy, just as you thought Mr Private Eye. Ehm, sorry I know you prefer the term File Consultant. She smiled. The cheeky way and looking straight into his eyes, she said: I’ll pay you to double your normal fee, plus expenses. I’ve got some materials here for you, in case you’ll tell me that you need to think about it. It would be better not to get flagged by searching for me or Adams online.
Ray knew that Lyria’s options regarding the 1st class Private Eyes were not short, and she was right, he wasn’t sure why would she pick him over let’s say more reputable agencies. Was it because of his past when he was with Anonymous? How would she know that? It’s been like 16 years and he did everything to make sure no one single trace would lead anyone to him. Ray was thinking. Bloody Anonymous. Will that thing ever stop chasing him?
OK. One last big job and then bugger off to a Caribbean Island and drink a lot of Mojitos. He’d even accept the silly little umbrellas in his drinks. But how unsafe is this whole thing? Am I to be Lyria’s prime investigator or am I just the parallel backup? And last but not least: can I trust her?
Ray’s dilemma
Ray was aware that he reduced his life to become just a clever lazy bastard. He had no ambition, no desire to win anymore. He was wasteful of opportunities but he knew his limits. He just wanted to be left alone. Left alone and exist the best way he could get, given the circumstances. And the best way was often deeply associated with being simple. The more simple, the better.
The Alt Rights, the Antivaxxers and few other groups weren’t Ray’s biggest problem, he thought he could handle those. But the last thing he wanted was to get entangled with the Enforcers or even worse with the Pharma guys, especially because of the unfinished business they had with him. So ending up caught by any of those groups wasn’t on Ray’s agenda. He was lucky not to end up in a cross-fire between them. But for how long could he keep it that way?
He sympathised with Lyria but was it worth getting in trouble? Was she telling him everything? His guts were literally shouting to him to stay away from her and her case altogether. On the other hand, he knew himself what does it mean if one story, a single act, from one’s past can hang on to a person without letting go. Regardless of the intentions or whether that person wanted it or not, it was just there. Was that why she picked him? How far could the consequence of one’s actions reach? Those are very familiar questions, Ray laughed for himself.
After all, he’s been in the same situation for the last 16-odd years, since that bloody Anonymous campaign to uncovered the Pharma hacker attacks on hospital computer infrastructures back in 2020. Would he do it if he knew it was Pharma in the first place? Of course, it was the right thing to do because exposing Pharma saved lives and funds for the stretched and exhausted health systems on a global scale. But what has changed? Many people died because of different reasons and he’ll be on the run forever.
After they’ve parted with Lyria that evening, Ray knew that he’s gonna have to research Both Adams, Lyria as well as that Mr Robinson guy. He also knew that his odds weren’t the best one could get. The job came across as a “No, thank you, I’m good. I’m sure you can get someone who’s more suitable for this kind of work. Good luck with everything Miss Lyria.” It just screamed with the capital NO THANK YOU, except for the money. The money was good and Ray desperately wanted out of this game for good.
He decided to follow his old routine when deciding whether to take a heavy case or not. The routine was simple: direct his thoughts away from the job for the whole evening. That way ideas came to him naturally. He learned that if he can’t pull the ideas in, he can lure them by thinking about random things. It could be to just remembering an old movie or various random things from the past.
And drinks worked either. One more G&T and a bill, please! On his way to the new place he got only a few weeks ago, he thought that although it might give him few hustle-free months, he must designate an escape route and set up the surveillance system asap. One can never be careful enough on days like these.
Later, back at his new place, Ray thought of an old book and it remained him of a question he was once curious about: What is the worst fear of a conspiracy-theory person? Was it that they were possibly right or was it that they would one day realise that they’ve believed in utter nonsense?
This Lockdown 101 "fictional attempt" is just one-off piece that was put together on the island of Tenerife, during the first hardcore Spanish Corona lockdown, when I could only go to the nearest shop or a pharmacy, while I was only about 150 metres from the deserted beaches. Anyway, rather than publishing similar pieces, this is actually a travel site. It's prime focus is to provide information about various locations, ranging from the practical travel pieces up to articles describing history as well as different ways of life and so on... More info abut Quaint Planet could be found in its about section here.
Feature picture by Thomas Le from Unsplash
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