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Border fees in Latin America

The money you have to pay in order to enter or exit some countries as well as some of their regions in Latin America.
Traveller’s budget in Latin America

A country-by-country budget for most Latin American countries. Real basic expenses, few tips and more.
ATM withdrawal fees in Latin America

How to minimise the ATM withdrawal fees in Latin America during your travels, incl. few tips and tricks of how to use your cards.
Rolling tobacco in Latin America and South East Asia

Information for the roll-your-on own tobacco smokers on their travels in Latin America and South East Asia.
8 things I won’t miss from Latin World

A few thoughts and rather subjective observations about the Latin World as well as things what I've missed from Europe during my travels.
Nicaragua: history’s roller-coaster

Some unbelievable twisted events from Nicaraguan history. Coups, Manifest Destiny, Civil Wars, invasions, dictatorships, and so on...
Crossing the line

What happened in Venezuela? The heartbreaking situation of the staggering number of Venezuelan refugees around Latin Americas ):
What to pack for a long trip?

In case you needed to double-check if you have everything packed for your trip, check out this post. Except for the packing list, expect various practical tips, such as safety precautions, etc…
Natural attractions in Yucatán

Let's explore the peninsula’s natural beauty. Cenotes, natural reserves, the islands around the peninsula as well as popular adventure parks and tours.