Few tips, mostly of a practical nature that would definitely make your life easier just before as well as during your long-awaited trip.
Nazis in South America

Find out about the escaped Nazis in South America and elsewhere. How have they managed to get away after the WW2, where were they welcomed, who helped them and why...
Music for driving at night
A rather self-explanatory playlist series consisting of carefully picked tunes to give your night journey a cool soundtrack :)
The International Students’ Day

Have you known that 17 November is an International Students' Day, which was established in London 1941?
52 Years of Solitude: Colombian Conflict explained

A humble attempt to explain the complex nature of the bloody Colombian Civil War.
Humanity vs Reality

Travelling in developing countries often confronts the First World person with the real-life consequences of inequality.
Budget Travel: What is it exactly?

The following piece is merely an indication of different takes various travellers can have about their own concept of budget.
Lockdown 101

This is just a light and modest SciFi Noir writting attempt, a result of a very long hardcore Corona lockdown, when I couldn't leave the appartment, knowing that the Atlantic is only 150m away...
Coronavirus and the media industry: Part two (Alternative and Social Media)

Basic analysis of the impact Coronavirus has on the further decline of the media industry. Part two: Alternative media, social media and psycho hygiene.