Brief history, current rail systems, tickets, prices, comfort, best night trains as well as best scenic routes.
Prague: what, when, why and how

Insider's guide to Prague. When to go, where to go, why to go, how much to pay, what to do, where to go next, plus more.
Recommend a movie

Here's a few cool movies. I hope you'll find a treat. If you do, please recommend your favourite movie back so there's more to pick from ;)
Iconic views reversed

Have you ever wondered how do iconic places look from the other side, like when you look at where would the photographer stand from the place that is usually photographed?
30 000 miles in 200 days AKA from The End of the World to Mexico in numbers

My nearly 8 months trip in numbers. Budget, miles, days, countries visited, cost per day and so on...
Buenos, Buenos Aires

Is Buenos Aires your cup of tea? Find out about the vibes of this incredible city with a proper essence and a massive character.
Ferry travel in southern Chile

This piece is about 4 options to travel by ferry in southern Chilean Patagonia. South to north or wise-versa. What, when, why, where and how.