A humble and rather a subjective attempt of mine to list the ultimate highlights from a Gringo Trail between Tierra del Fuego and Yucatán.
Patagonia in 3 weeks

3 weeks itinerary for Andean Patagonia. The highlights as well as some arguably less frequently visited places are involved. Plus transport, alternative options and so on.
Traveller’s Guide to Argentina: Places to visit and things to know

Traveller's Guide to Argentina: basic history, culture, food to try, places to visit, off the beaten path suggestions, safety and more..
Traveller’s Guide to Chile: Places to visit and things to know

Traveller's Guide to Chile: basic history, food to try, culture, places to see, off the beaten path suggestions, safety and more..
Is it safe to travel in Latin America?

A humble attempt to answer the common question regarding travels in Latin America. Plus travel safety tips, general precautions health and safety, how to secure your valuables and so on.
Traveller’s budget in Latin America

A country-by-country budget for most Latin American countries. Real basic expenses, few tips and more.
Nazis in South America

Find out about the escaped Nazis in South America and elsewhere. How have they managed to get away after the WW2, where were they welcomed, who helped them and why...
Iconic views reversed

Have you ever wondered how do iconic places look from the other side, like when you look at where would the photographer stand from the place that is usually photographed?
30 000 miles in 200 days AKA from The End of the World to Mexico in numbers

My nearly 8 months trip in numbers. Budget, miles, days, countries visited, cost per day and so on...
Puerto Varas and Bariloche

Two resorty and a bit posh Patagonian towns of Puerto Varas, Chile and San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina.