Some practical as well as descriptive info about this beautiful bohemian hilly town. Where to stay, what to see, day trips, safety and so on...
Traveller’s Guide to Bolivia: Places to visit and things to know

Traveller's Guide to Bolivia: basic history, culture, food to try, places to visit, off the beaten path suggestions, safety and more..
Traveller’s budget in Latin America

A country-by-country budget for most Latin American countries. Real basic expenses, few tips and more.
8 things I won’t miss from Latin World

A few thoughts and rather subjective observations about the Latin World as well as things what I've missed from Europe during my travels.
Nicaragua: history’s roller-coaster

Some unbelievable twisted events from Nicaraguan history. Coups, Manifest Destiny, Civil Wars, invasions, dictatorships, and so on...
Crossing the line

What happened in Venezuela? The heartbreaking situation of the staggering number of Venezuelan refugees around Latin Americas ):
Pre-trip preparations for a backpacker

Few tips, mostly of a practical nature that would definitely make your life easier just before as well as during your long-awaited trip.
Nazis in South America

Find out about the escaped Nazis in South America and elsewhere. How have they managed to get away after the WW2, where were they welcomed, who helped them and why...
The International Students’ Day

Have you known that 17 November is an International Students' Day, which was established in London 1941?